*Available on the Stream Deck Plugin Store*
Q: Is this actually magic?
A: No. Well... maybe. Ask again later.
Magical Eight Ball
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When you hear the sound, your answer awaits!
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Answers are logged to text file.
Windows Text File Location: %APPDATA%\Elgato\StreamDeck\logs\com.krabs.magicaleightball0.log
MacOS Text File Location: ~/Library/Logs/StreamDeck/com.krabs.magicaleightball0.log
20 possible answers:
- It is certain
- It is decidedly so
- Without a doubt
- Yes, definitely
- You may rely on it
- As I see it, yes
- Most likely
- Outlook good
- Yes
- Signs point to yes
- Reply hazy try again
- Ask again later
- Better not tell you now
- Cannot predict now
- Concentrate and ask again
- Don't count on it
- My reply is no
- My sources say no
- Outlook not so good
- Very doubtful
It's magic!